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Research Publications


Johnson, D. W., D.D. Richter, Gary M. Lovett, and S.E. Lindberg. 1985. “The Effects Of Atmospheric Deposition On Potassium, Calcium, And Magnesium Cycling In Two Deciduous Forests”. Can. J. For. Res. 15: 773-782.
Likens, Gene E. 1985. “An Experimental Approach For The Study Of Ecosystems”. J. Ecol. 73: 381-396.
Coleman, J. S., C.W. Murdoch, R.J. Campana, and W.H. Smith. 1985. “Investigations On The Decay Resistance Of Elm Wetwood”. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 7: 151-154.
Compton, S. J., and Clive G. Jones. 1985. “Mechanism Of Dye Response And Interference In The Bradford Protein Assay”. Anal. Biochem. 151: 369-374.
Howarth, Robert W., and Jonathan J. Cole. 1985. “Molybdenum Availability, Nitrogen Limitation And Phytoplankton Growth In Natural Waters”. Science 229: 653-655.
Kolasa, J., M.H. Fletcher, and A.J. Main. 1985. “New Records For Two Mosquito Predators (Turbellaria; Mesotoma) In The Northeastern United States”. Entomophaga 30: 83-85.
Richey, J. S., William H. McDowell, and Gene E. Likens. 1985. “Nitrogen Transformation In A Small Mountain Stream”. Hydrobiologia 124: 129-139.
Hall, R. J., Charles T. Driscoll, Gene E. Likens, and J.M. Pratt. 1985. “Physical, Chemical And Biological Consequences Of Episodic Aluminum Additions To A Stream”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 212-220.
Havas, M., T.C. Hutchinson, and Gene E. Likens. 1985. “Reply To "Comment On 'Red Herrings In Acid Rain Research'."”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 19: 646-648.
Oppenheimer, M., J.N. Galloway, Gene E. Likens, and S.A. Norton. 1985. “Response To "Effects Of So2 And Nox Emissions."”. Science 227: 11,541,156.
Cole, Jonathan J., S. Honjo, and Nina F. Caraco. 1985. “Seasonal Variation In The Flux Of Algal Pigments To A Deep-Water Site In The Panama Basin”. Hydrobiologia 122: 193-197.
Canham, Charles D. 1985. “Suppression And Release During Canopy Recruitment In Acer Saccharum”. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 112: 134-145.
Havas, M., and Gene E. Likens. 1985. “Toxicity Of Aluminum And Hydrogen Ions To Daphnia Catawba, Holopedium Gibberum, Chaoborus Punctipennis And Chironomus Anthracinus From Mirror Lake, New Hampshire”. Can. J. Zool. 63: 1114-1119.
Olson, R. K., W.A. Reiners, and Gary M. Lovett. 1985. “Trajectory Analysis Of Forest Canopy Effects On Chemical Flux In Throughfall”. Biogeochemistry 1: 361-373.
An Ecosystem Approach To Aquatic Ecology: Mirror Lake And Its Environment. 1985. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Vertucci, F.A. 1984. “The Remote Sensing Of Lake Acidification”. K. Morgan (Ed.). Technical Papers 1984 World Conference On Remote Sensing, Bayreuth, West Germany. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas.
Likens, Gene E. 1984. “Response To "Maybe Acid Rain Isn't The Villain"”. Fortune.
McDonnell, M.J. 1984. “Interactions Between Landscape Elements: Dispersal Of Bird-Disseminated Plants In Post-Agricultural Landscapes”. In J. Brandt And P. Agger (Eds.), 2:47-58. Methodology in Landscape Ecological Research and Planning, v. 1. Proc. 1st Int. Semin., Int. Assoc. Landscape Ecol., Roskilde, Denmark.
Jones, Clive G. 1984. “Microorganisms As Mediators Of Plant Resource Exploitation By Insect Herbivores”. In P. W. Price, C. N. Slobodchikoff, And W. S. Gaud (Eds.). A New Ecology. Novel Approaches In Interactive Systems, 53-99. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
Karnosky, D. F., and R.A. Mickler. 1984. “Propagation And Preservation Of Elms Via Tissue Culture Systems”. In M. L. Duryea And G. N. Brown (Eds.), 29-36. Seedling Physiology and Reforestation Success. Martinus Nijhoff.
Galloway, J.N., Gene E. Likens, and M. Hawley. 1984. “Acid Precipitation: Natural Versus Anthropogenic Components”. Science 226: 829-831.
Likens, Gene E. 1984. “Acid Rain: The Smokestack Is The "Smoking Gun." [Excerpt Reprinted, Entitled: The Political Dimension. 1984 Adirondack Counc. Newsl. 8(28):4.]”. Garden 8: 12-18.
Likens, Gene E. 1984. “Beyond The Shoreline: A Watershed-Ecosystem Approach”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 22: 1-22.
McDonnell, M.J., E.W. Stiles, J.G. Cheplick, and Juan J. Armesto. 1984. “Bird-Dispersal Of Phytolacca Americana L. And The Influence Of Fruit Removal On Subsequent Fruit Development”. Am. J. Bot. 71: 895-901.
Canham, Charles D., and O.L. Loucks. 1984. “Catastrophic Windthrow In The Presettlement Forests Of Wisconsin”. Ecology 65: 803-809.
Cole, Jonathan J., Gene E. Likens, and J.E. Hobbie. 1984. “Decomposition Of Planktonic Algae In An Oligotrophic Lake”. Oikos 42: 257-266.
Ellingwood, M.R., and J. B. McAninch. 1984. “Deer Population Management - An Ecological And Economic Analysis”. Trans. Northeast Deer Tech. Comm 20: 6-13.
Ellingwood, M.R., J. B. McAninch, and Raymond J. Winchcombe. 1984. “Directions In Deer Fencing”. Proc. N.y. Hort. Soc. 129: 90-91.
Butler, Tom, C.V. Cogbill, and Gene E. Likens. 1984. “Effect Of Climatology On Precipitation Acidity”. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 65: 639-640.
Hall, R. J., and Gene E. Likens. 1984. “Effect Of Discharge Rate On Biotic And Abiotic Chemical Flux In An Acidified Stream”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41: 1132-1138.
Havas, M., T.C. Hutchinson, and Gene E. Likens. 1984. “Effect Of Low Ph On Sodium Regulation In Two Species Of Daphnia”. Can. J. Zool. 62: 1965-1970.
Likens, Gene E., F.H. Bormann, R.S. Pierce, J.S. Eaton, and R.E. Munn. 1984. “Long-Term Trends In Precipitation Chemistry At Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire”. Atmospheric Environment 18: 2641-2647.
Munn, R.E., Gene E. Likens, B. Weisman, J.W. Hornbeck, C.W. Martin, and F.H. Bormann. 1984. “A Meteorological Analysis Of The Precipitation Chemistry Event Samples At Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire”. Atmospheric Environment 18: 2775-2779.
Karnosky, D. F., A. Diner, and R.A. Mickler. 1984. “Micro-Propagation Of Juvenile Jackpine And European Larch”. Proc. Int. Symp. Recent Adv. For. Biotechnol., Mich. Biotechnol. Inst., East Lansing.
Havas, M., T.C. Hutchinson, and Gene E. Likens. 1984. “Red Herrings In Acid Rain Research”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 18: 176A-186A.
Hobbie, J.E., and Jonathan J. Cole. 1984. “Response Of A Detrital Foodweb To Eutrophication”. Bull. Mar. Sci. 35: 357-363.
Hobbie, J.E., Jonathan J. Cole, J. Dungan, R.A. Houghton, and B. Peterson. 1984. “Role Of Biota In Global Co2 Balance: The Controversy”. Bioscience 34: 492-498.
Cole, Jonathan J., William H. McDowell, and Gene E. Likens. 1984. “Sources And Molecular Weight Of "Dissolved" Organic Carbon In An Oligotrophic Lake”. Oikos 42: 1-9.
Ulrich, J. M., R.A. Mickler, B.J. Finkle, and D. F. Karnosky. 1984. “Survival And Regeneration Of American Elm Callus Cultures After Being Frozen In Liquid Nitrogen”. Can. J. For. Res. 14: 750-753.
Johnson, N. M., Gene E. Likens, M.C. Feller, and Charles T. Driscoll. 1984. “Technical Comment On "Acid Rain On Acid Soil: A New Perspective."”. Science 225: 1424-1425.