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Sights & Sounds of Spring Evening Walk


Cary Institute wildlife biologist Mike Fargione and educator Ashley Alred will lead an evening hike exploring the sights and sounds of spring on our campus. Discover how resident plants, amphibians, birds, and mammals are adapting to the change from winter to spring.

We will travel around the property in cars and vans, leapfrogging between different habitats to look at how plants and animals adjust to the changing seasons. Our path will include stops in marshes, fields, and forests to see what signs of spring we can find. We will visit a vernal pool to look and listen for amphibians and learn about the threats they face. If conditions are right, we may be treated to a frog chorus or a breeding display by an American Woodcock.

Please dress for the weather, wear appropriate hiking footwear, and bring a flashlight and binoculars if you have some. We will be walking off the trails, so a walking stick or ski pole may be helpful. Hiking will be easy to moderate level of difficulty.

Space is limited. Registration is required.
