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Dr. Christopher T. Solomon

Aquatic Ecologist | PhD, University of Wisconsin

aquatic ecology, ecosystem ecology, fish and fisheries ecology, social-ecological systems

Twitter: @CT_Solomon
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845 677-7600 x133

Dr. Solomon studies the ecology of lakes and other aquatic ecosystems, and of the fish and other organisms that live in them. He is broadly interested in how these systems function, and how we can manage and conserve them. His group emphasizes a collaborative team-based approach using whole-ecosystem experiments, observational studies across space and time, and statistical and simulation modeling.

Mosley, CL, CJ Dassow, Christopher T. Solomon, and SE Jones. 2024. “Counteracting Effects of "hook Avoidance" and ‘hook Habituation’ on Angler Catch Rates in a Catch-and-Release Fishery”. FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY. doi:10.1111/fme.12694.
Steele, JJB, AN Thellman, OK Vought, Emma J. Rosi, T Wooster, Christopher T. Solomon, and Emily S. Bernhardt. (2024) 2024. “Bryospheres in Oligotrophic Headwater Streams Provide Nutrient-Dense Habitats and Dominate Stream Nutrient Cycling”. FRESHWATER SCIENCE. doi:10.1086/733067.
Castille, Eve L., Marco A. Janssen, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2023. “Polycentric Governance systems’ Perceived Impact on Learning in North-Central US Lake and Watershed Organizations”. Regional Environmental Change 23 (3). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1007/s10113-023-02100-8.
Solomon, Christopher T., Hilary A. Dugan, William D. Hintz, and Stuart E. Jones. 2023. “Upper Limits for Road Salt Pollution in Lakes”. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 8 (6). Wiley: 859-66. doi:10.1002/lol2.10339.
Hararuk, Oleksandra, S. E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2022. “Hydrologic Export of Soil Organic Carbon: Continental Variation and Implications”. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36 (6). American Geophysical Union (AGU). doi:10.1029/2021gb007161.
Bishop, Chelsea E., Kaija Gahm, Andrew P. Hendry, Stuart E. Jones, M. Stange, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2022. “Benthic–limnetic Morphological Variation in Fishes: Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration Produces Unexpected Patterns”. Ecosphere 13 (3). Wiley. doi:10.1002/ecs2.3965.
Lottig, NR, JS Phillips, RD Batt, F Scordo, TJ Williamson, Stephen R. Carpenter, S Chandra, et al. (2024) 2022. “Estimating Pelagic Primary Production in Lakes: Comparison of C-14 Incubation and Free-Water O-2 Approaches”. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS 20 (1): 34-45,. doi:10.1002/lom3.10471.
Mosley, Camille L., Colin J. Dassow, John Caffarelli, Alexander J. Ross, Greg G. Sass, Stephanie L. Shaw, Christopher T. Solomon, and Stuart E. Jones. 2022. “Species Differences, But Not Habitat, Influence Catch Rate Hyperstability across a Recreational Fishery Landscape”. Fisheries Research 255: 106438. doi:
Trudeau, Ashley, Colin J. Dassow, Carolyn M. Iwicki, Stuart E. Jones, Greg G. Sass, Christopher T. Solomon, Brett T. van Poorten, and Olaf P. Jensen. 2021. “Estimating Fishing Effort across the Landscape: A Spatially Extensive Approach Using Models to Integrate Multiple Data Sources”. Fisheries Research 233. Elsevier BV: 105768. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105768.
Nieman, Chelsey, Carolyn Iwicki, Abigail J. Lynch, Greg G. Sass, Christopher T. Solomon, Ashley Trudeau, and Brett T. van Poorten. 2021. “Creel Surveys for Social-Ecological-Systems Focused Fisheries Management”. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. Informa UK Limited, 1-20. doi:10.1080/23308249.2020.1869696.
Ziegler, J.P., Sunny L. Jardine, Stuart E. Jones, Brett T. van Poorten, Marco A. Janssen, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2021. “Investing in the Commons: Transient Welfare Creates Incentives Despite Open Access”. Ecology and Society 26 (2). Resilience Alliance, Inc. doi:10.5751/es-12339-260216.
Hanna, Dalal E. L., Bernhard Lehner, Zofia E. Taranu, Christopher T. Solomon, and Elena M. Bennett. 2021. “The Relationship Between Watershed Protection and Water Quality: The Case of Québec, Canada”. Freshwater Science 40 (2). University of Chicago Press: 382-96. doi:10.1086/714598.
Nieman, Chelsey, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2021. “Slow Social Change: Implications for Open Access Recreational Fisheries”. Fish and Fisheries. Wiley. doi:10.1111/faf.12608.
Nieman, Chelsey, Richard M. Pendleton, Gregg H. Kenney, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2021. “Evaluation and Optimization of a Long-Term Fish Monitoring Program in the Hudson River”. Ecological Indicators 133. Elsevier BV: 108344. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108344.
Strayer, David L., David T. Fischer, Stephen K. Hamilton, Heather M. Malcom, Michael L. Pace, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2020. “Long‐term Variability and Density Dependence in Hudson River Dreissena Populations”. Freshwater Biology 65 (3). Wiley: 474-89. doi:10.1111/fwb.13444.
Bertolet, B. L., C. R. Olson, D. K. Szydlowski, Christopher T. Solomon, and S. E. Jones. (2024) 2020. “Methane and Primary Productivity in Lakes: Divergence of Temporal and Spatial Relationships”. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 125 (9).
Olson, C. R., Christopher T. Solomon, and S. E. Jones. (2024) 2020. “Shifting Limitation of Primary Production: Experimental Support for a New Model in Lake Ecosystems”. Ecology Letters 23 (12): 1800-1808+.
Dassow, Colin J., Alexander J. Ross, Olaf P. Jensen, Greg G. Sass, Brett T. van Poorten, Christopher T. Solomon, and Stuart E. Jones. 2020. “Experimental Demonstration of Catch Hyperstability from Habitat Aggregation, Not Effort Sorting, in a Recreational Fishery”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (4). Canadian Science Publishing: 762-69. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2019-0245.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., Tao Huang, Stephen K. Hamilton, Barbara A. Han, Shannon L. LaDeau, Richard S. Ostfeld, Emma J. Rosi, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2020. “Parasite and Pathogen Effects on Ecosystem Processes: A Quantitative Review”. Ecosphere 11 (5). Wiley. doi:10.1002/ecs2.3057.
Solomon, Christopher T., Colin J. Dassow, Carolyn Iwicki, O.P. Jensen, Stuart E. Jones, Greg G. Sass, Ashley Trudeau, Brett T. van Poorten, and Dane Whittaker. 2020. “Frontiers in Modelling social–ecological Dynamics of Recreational Fisheries: A Review and Synthesis”. Fish and Fisheries 21 (5): 973-91. doi:10.1111/faf.12482.
