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Dr. Shannon L. LaDeau

Disease Ecologist | PhD, Duke University

biodiversity, arbovirus, urban, mosquito

Twitter: @slladeau

845 677-7600 x204

LaDeau’s research extends across organismal to macro-system scales, with the overarching aim to better understand structure, function, and ecological resilience of socioecological systems. For example, a 10-year program of research in Baltimore, MD has advanced both conceptual models and stakeholder practices related to urban mosquitoes and vector-borne disease risk in temperate cities. LaDeau’s work is often at the interface of ecology and environmental justice and current work explores how associations among socioeconomics and vegetation influence variation in biodiversity function across taxa, including risk of vector-borne disease.

LaDeau’s research program has three organizing themes:

Complex socio-ecological systems

To better understand ecological structure and function as part of a broader socio-ecological system. Projects highlighting this theme: Baltimore Ecosystem Study, Mosquito-borne Disease in Urban Areas, Urban Greening/Biodiversity.

Resilience through diversity

To better predict how diversity (e.g., biodiversity, human experience and cultural diversity, diversity in traits, approach or actions) influences ecosystem function and resilience. Projects highlighting this theme: Community Ecology of Lyme Disease, Urban Greening/Biodiversity, Mosquito-borne Disease in Urban Areas.

Ecological science in action

To develop predictive understanding and science-based responses to real societal challenges. Projects highlighting this theme: Mosquito-borne Disease in Urban Areas, Investigating Climate Change Impacts on Ticks, Fundamentals of Ecological Forecasting [Videos], Using near-term forecasts and uncertainty partitioning to inform prediction of oligotrophic lake cyanobacterial density.

LaDeau is an Associate Editor-in-Chief for Disease Ecology in the Ecological Society of America’s journal Ecosphere and a member of the Science, Technology & Education Advisory Committee (STEAC) for National Ecological Observatory Network.

Bisia, Marina, Georgios Balatsos, Stavroula Beleri, Nikolaos Tegos, Evangelia Zavitsanou, Shannon L. LaDeau, Vasilis Sotiroudas, Eleni Patsoula, and Antonios Michaelakis. 2024. “Mitigating the Threat of Invasive Mosquito Species Expansion: A Comprehensive Entomological Surveillance Study on Kastellorizo, a Remote Greek Island”. Insects 15 (9). doi:10.3390/insects15090724.
Mattheiss, JP, R Breyta, G Kurath, Shannon L. LaDeau, DJ Paez, and PFB Ferguson. 2023. “Coproduction and Modeling Spatial Contact Networks Prevent Bias about Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Transmission for Snake River Basin Salmonids”. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 334. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117415.
Brunner, JL, Shannon L. LaDeau, M Killelea, E Valentine, M Schierer, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2023. “Off-Host Survival of Blacklegged Ticks in Eastern North America: A Multistage, Multiyear, Multisite Study”. ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS. doi:10.1002/ecm.1572.
Han, Barbara A., Kush R. Varshney, Shannon L. LaDeau, Ajit Subramaniam, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Jacob Zwart. 2023. “A Synergistic Future for AI and Ecology”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (38). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.2220283120.
Dossman, Bryant C., Colin E. Studds, Shannon L. LaDeau, Scott Sillett, and Peter P. Marra. 2023. “The Role of Tropical Rainfall in Driving Range Dynamics for a Long-Distance Migratory Bird”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (52). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.2301055120.
Zettle, MyKenna, Elsa C. Anderson, and Shannon L. LaDeau. 2022. “Changes in Container-Breeding Mosquito Diversity and Abundance Along an Urbanization Gradient Are Associated With Dominance of Arboviral Vectors”. Journal of Medical Entomology 59 (3). Oxford University Press (OUP): 843-54. doi:10.1093/jme/tjac023.
Lofton, Mary E., Jennifer A. Brentrup, Whitney S. Beck, Jacob A. Zwart, Ruchi Bhattacharya, Ludmila S. Brighenti, Sarah H. Burnet, et al. 2022. “Using Near-Term Forecasts and Uncertainty Partitioning to Inform Prediction of Oligotrophic Lake Cyanobacterial Density”. Ecological Applications n/a (n/a). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:10.1002/eap.2590.
Leisnham, Paul T., Shannon L. LaDeau, Megan E. M. Saunders, and Oswaldo C. Villena. 2021. “Condition-Specific Competitive Effects of the Invasive Mosquito Aedes Albopictus on the Resident Culex Pipiens Among Different Urban Container Habitats May Explain Their Coexistence in the Field”. Insects 12 (11). MDPI AG: 993. doi:10.3390/insects12110993.
Anderson, Elsa C., Meghan L. Avolio, Nancy F. Sonti, and Shannon L. LaDeau. 2021. “More Than Green: Tree Structure and Biodiversity Patterns Differ across Canopy Change Regimes in Baltimore’s Urban Forest”. Urban Forestry &Amp; Urban Greening 65. Elsevier BV: 127365. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127365.
LaDeau, Shannon L. 2021. “Rodents Harboring Zoonotic Pathogens Take Advantage of Abandoned Land in Post‐Katrina New Orleans”. Molecular Ecology. Wiley. doi:10.1111/mec.15843.
Stefopoulou, Angeliki, Shannon L. LaDeau, Nefeli Syrigou, George Balatsos, Vasileios Karras, Ioanna Lytra, Evangelia Boukouvala, et al. 2021. “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Survey in Greece before the Implementation of Sterile Insect Technique Against Aedes Albopictus”. Insects 12 (3). MDPI AG: 212. doi:10.3390/insects12030212.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., Tao Huang, Stephen K. Hamilton, Barbara A. Han, Shannon L. LaDeau, Richard S. Ostfeld, Emma J. Rosi, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2020. “Parasite and Pathogen Effects on Ecosystem Processes: A Quantitative Review”. Ecosphere 11 (5). Wiley. doi:10.1002/ecs2.3057.
Katz, G., P. T. Leisnham, and Shannon L. LaDeau. (2024) 2020. “Aedes Albopictus Body Size Differs Across Neighborhoods With Varying Infrastructural Abandonment”. Journal of Medical Entomology 57 (2): 615-19.
Paez, D. J., Shannon L. LaDeau, R. Breyta, G. Kurath, K. A. Naish, and Paige F. B. Ferguson. (2024) 2020. “Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Specialization in a Multihost Salmonid System”. Evolutionary Applications 13 (8): 1841-53.
Pickett, Steward T. A., M. L. Cadenasso, M. E. Baker, L. E. Band, C. G. Boone, G. L. Buckley, Peter M. Groffman, et al. (2024) 2020. “Theoretical Perspectives of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Conceptual Evolution in a Social-Ecological Research Project”. Bioscience 70 (4): 297-314+.
Cator, Lauren J., Leah R. Johnson, Erin A. Mordecai, Fadoua El Moustaid, Thomas R. C. Smallwood, Shannon L. LaDeau, Michael A. Johansson, et al. 2020. “The Role of Vector Trait Variation in Vector-Borne Disease Dynamics”. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8. Frontiers Media SA. doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00189.
Rothman, Sarah, Jennifer A Jones, Shannon L. LaDeau, and Paul T Leisnham. 2020. “Higher West Nile Virus Infection in Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes From Lower Income Neighborhoods in Urban Baltimore, MD”. Edited by Theodore Andreadis. Journal of Medical Entomology. Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/jme/tjaa262.
Turner, Monica G., John Calder, Graeme Cumming, Terry Hughes, Anke Jentsch, Shannon L. LaDeau, Timothy Lenton, et al. 2020. “Climate Change, Ecosystems and Abrupt Change: Science Priorities”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375: 20190105. doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0105.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Morgan Grove, Shannon L. LaDeau, Emma J. Rosi, and Mary L. Cadenasso. 2020. “Urban Ecology As an Integrative Science and Practice”. In Urban Ecology: Its Nature and Challenges, 122-43. CABI. doi:10.1079/9781789242607.0122.
Leisnham, Paul T., Brandon Scott, Andrew H. Baldwin, and Shannon L. LaDeau. 2019. “Effects of Detritus on the Mosquito Culex Pipiens: Phragmites and Schedonorus (Festuca) Invasion Affect Population Performance”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21). MDPI AG: 4118. doi:10.3390/ijerph16214118.
