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The GLEON Fellowship Program trains cohorts of graduate students to exploit the rich information content of large and diverse data sets, operate effectively in diverse international teams, and communicate outcomes to a broad range of audiences.

Students in the early- to mid-stages of doctoral research in both academic and professional environmental science, ecology, and engineering career tracks will begin the program with an international, collaborative student cohort, and will finish the program as integrated members of a grassroots scientific network.

The GLEON Fellowship Program is centered on

  • Development of technical, conceptual and analytical skills critical to carrying out macroscale biology and network science
  • Development of communication skills for collaboration, education and public outreach
  • Active participation in existing networks of people, data, and technologies
  • Training and guidance by experts in how to build and sustain human networks through pedagogy, organizational structure, and leadership training

Fellowship Workshop

On August 19, 2013, graduate students and post docs from around the world gathered in Wisconsin GLEON’s fellowship workshop, an event designed to help the organization’s first crop of “fellows” better understand how to collaborate on global scientific projects.

gleon fellowship 2013
GLEON Fellowship Cohort 1 at Trout Lake Station, Boulder Junction, WI. August 2013.